
[2022-07-24 Sun 19:03]

Josh Parnell released the source code for Limit Theory, one of those Kickstarter-backed game projects that kind of imploded on a combo of complexity and high expectations.

[2022-07-23 Sat 17:55]

In the middle of Avoiding Toxic Productivity Advice for ADHD: Find What Actually Works and suddenly I am directly attacked:

"freeze frame of linked video with quoted text"
I feel seen.
[2022-07-20 Wed 22:14]

Did the useful Logseq puttering. Now some decorative fun with the Logseq Banners plugin.

[2022-07-18 Mon 17:04]

Figured out how to do text snippets in Visual Studio Code for Dendron notes. My wish for this world is less JSON.

[2022-07-18 Mon 09:16]

Cats haven't checked in on me for a bit. It's nice. A bit creepy, but nice.

two cats stare intently at you from under a monitor
[2022-07-17 Sun 22:14]
TOEM game showing figure in hard hat with speech bubble that reads '*ENGINEER NOISES*'
My response when people ask me what I do for a living
[2022-07-17 Sun 12:41] Better than a gist

If you aren't sure about the new 988 suicide prevention hotline, here are some other numbers you can call in the US, via Twitter.

[2022-07-15 Fri 15:15]

This week the Linux partition is EndeavourOS — specifically Qtile Community Edition.

[2022-06-07 Tue 09:10]
Oh hey the new issue of the Amplenote Sampler newsletter includes some suggestions for handling projects in my big giant mess of notes — sorry, I meant “finely-tuned knowledge management workflow.” Today’s issue is packed full of Amplenote Tips on creating and keeping track of Projects and exploiting Daily Jots to their full potential. Why am I getting this newsletter? Amplenote is a good note / task system. Free tier is useful.
[2022-06-23 Thu 21:54]

Thinking hard about whether to keep splitting my attention between multiple sites.