
[2022-07-15 Fri 15:15]

This week the Linux partition is EndeavourOS — specifically Qtile Community Edition.

[2022-06-18 Sat 07:37]
Oh hey. <> redirects to <>, and I see nothing about Regolith Desktop being in beta anymore. Guess it's time to update!
[2022-05-14 Sat 14:55]
We now return to our regularly scheduled programming. I reinstalled Regolith. Yes it’s based on Ubuntu 20.04. In my case that’s a plus, since some proprietary tools I rely on have not been updated for 22.04. I feel like I have what I need with Homebrew over Regolith.
[2022-05-12 Thu 07:39]
Last night I ran a clean install of Pop!_OS 22.04 on the Linux partition. All seemed well, until I noticed that no Electron-based apps had titlebars. Also? Unless I’m in tiling mode, they’re all stacked in one unreachable, unresizable mass in the middle. No screenshot, sorry. Had to get stuff done so I’m regrouping in the Windows partition. I’ll ponder what to do about it later. Might overlay the whole thing with Regolith Desktop until I get a better plan.