Used CogDB to describe a folder hierarchy. Easier than figuring out how to annotate recursive structures for Mypy.

I got some weird ideas of hard vs easy.

unlabelled graph diagram
No labels or code because it's work(ish)

Okay fine. Here's a cleaned-up version of the code looking at my main blog Markdown sources.

from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Dict, Set

from cog.torque import Graph

class Folder:
    root: Path
    pattern: str
    graph: Graph = field(init=False)
    files: Dict[str, str] = field(init=False)
    graph_paths: Set[str] = field(init=False, default_factory=set)

    def __post_init__(self):
        self.graph = Graph("files")

    def __load_files(self):
        self.files = {}

        for path in self.root.glob(self.pattern):

    def graph_path_for(self, path: Path) -> str:
        # some funkiness because this started on windows
        return "/".join(path.relative_to(self.root).parts)

    def load_path(self, path: Path):
        graph_path = self.graph_path_for(path)
        self.files[graph_path] = "FILLER"

    def place_graph_path(self, path: Path):
        if path == self.root:

        parent = path.parent
        graph_child = self.graph_path_for(path)
        graph_parent = self.graph_path_for(parent)
        self.graph.put(graph_parent, "parent", graph_child)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    root = Path("~/Sites/rgb-hugo").expanduser()
    folder = Folder(root, "**/*.md")
    url = folder.graph.v().tag("from").out("parent").tag("to").view("parent").url
unlabeled graph diagram with many vertices
That image took a lot longer to render

Aside from the pretty picture, the nested structure that is now a graph helps me pull some files into Logseq for better notes.

ooh i could pull my site into logseq

Go to bed, Brian.